What is Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)?
The APEC and Its Primary Aim:
APEC is the premier Asia Pacific economic forum. Its headquarters are in Singapore. Its Executive Director is Muhammad Noor Yacob.
Their primary goal is to support sustainable economic growth and property in the Asia Pacific region. It is a forum for 21 Pacific–Rim countries (formally Member Economies). That seeks to promote free trade and economic cooperation throughout Asia – the Pacific region.
How many members are there in APEC?
APEC currently has 21 members, including most countries with a coastline on the Pacific Ocean. However, the criterion for membership is that the member is a separate economy, rather than a state. As a result, APEC uses the term ‘member economies’ rather than member countries to refer to its members
Members account for approximately 40%of the world’s population, approximately 54% of the world’s Gross Domestic Product, and about 44% of world trade.
What were the reasons for the Establishment of APEC?
It was established in 1989 in response to the growing interdependence of Asia – Pacific economies.
APEC works to raise the living standards and education levels through sustainable economic growth and to foster a sense of community and an appreciation of shared interest among Asia – Pacific countries.
What are Bogor's Goals?
An annual APEC Economic Leader’s Meeting is attended by the heads of government of all APEC members except the Republic of China (Taiwan).
During the meeting in 1994 in Bogor in Indonesia, APEC leaders adopted the Bogor Goals that aim for free and open trade and investment in Asia – Pacific by 2010 for industrialized economies and by 2020 for developing economies.
When was ABAC established?
1n 1995, APEC established a business advisory body named the APEC Business Advisory Council(ABAC)composed of three business executives from each member country.
India and APEC:
India has requested membership in APEC and received initial support from the United States, Japan, and Australia. Officials have decided not to allow India to join for various reasons. However, the decision was made not to admit more members until 2010. Moreover, India does not border the Pacific Ocean which all current members do. However, India has been invited to be an observer for the first time in November 2011.
What are APEC’S three pillars?
To meet the Bogor goals APEC carries out work in three main areas
a) Trade and investment liberalization
b) Business facilitation
c) Economic and technical cooperation.