Asexual Reproduction In Animals Homework Help

What is Asexual Reproduction in Animals?

Asexual reproduction is defined as the process in which a single parent is involved in offspring production. No fertilization and fusion of gametes take place in this type of reproduction.

This type of reproduction is seen in cases of lower animals like hydra and microscopic organisms like amoeba. Asexual reproduction generally involves two methods namely budding and binary fission.

Budding takes place in the case of hydra and binary fission is generally seen in the case of microscopic organisms. Cloning is a process used for producing an exact copy of organisms.

What is Budding?

In this method, an outgrowth from the parent body results in the formation of an individual. This outgrowth is also known as buds results from the splitting of certain cells from the parental body. Organism detaches themselves from the parental body after it attains maturity. Since bud formation results in individual development, this method is known as budding. This type of method is seen in the case of hydra.  Buds can be observed on permanent slides of hydra if placed under the microscope.

What is Binary fission?

It is another method of asexual reproduction in which the individual parent results in offspring development. This kind of asexual reproduction is generally observed in the case of microorganisms. In this method nuclei of the cell divide into two individual nuclei. This is followed by the division of the body in such a way that each part receives a nucleus. Finally, the two cells detach from each other resulting in two daughter cell production. As the genetic material inside the nucleus is equally divided the daughter cells thus formed are identical to each other. This process can be observed in the case of an amoeba.

What is the Cloning of cells?

Cloning is defined as the process by which an exact copy of an organism is produced. Successful cloning of animals was performed by Ian Wilmut and his co-workers for the first time in the case of sheep. The cloned sheep was named Dolly. Animals born with the help of the cloning process generally have abnormalities associated with them.

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