Control and Coordination in Plants Assignment Help

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What is Control and Coordination in Plants?

Plants show two types of movements namely growth-dependent and growth independent. Controlling responses in plants from cell to cell is mainly coordinated by electrical–chemical means. Plants do not have any specialized tissue for conveying information between cells rather they use different hormones for coordination. Plants have a nature to show tropism to stimulus.

Plants are devoid of any nervous system or muscular system to coordinate and control their responses. Growth in plants is generally of two types it can either be growth-dependent or growth independent. Germination of seeds is a growth-dependent movement whereas the sensitivity of a touch me not plant is growing the independent movement.

What is the Growth independent movement in response to a stimulus?

In the case of growth-independent movements like that of touching me not plant the point of contact and point of the movement are different. It generally follows electrical-chemical response systems. Plants are devoid of any specialized tissue which can change their morphology to facilitate any kind of response instead plant cells change the amount of water present in them to manage any morphological changes.

The Movement Due to Growth

The response of a plant to any external stimuli is done by the occurrence of directional movements. As can be seen in the case of tendrils of pea plants in which the tendrils coil around any support in their way to climb up. The mechanism involved in this includes more rapid growth in an area not in contact with the support as compared to the area of tendrils in contact thus helping tendrils to coil around the support.

What is Tropism?

Tropism is defined as directional movements. The plant shows various kinds of tropic movements like phototropism, chemotropism, hydrotropism, etc. Movement can be either towards the stimuli or away from the stimuli e.g. movement of shoots towards light and roots away from light in the case of plants

What is the Communication of Information in Plants?

In the case of plants, electric impulses are not a means of communication as they can only be transmitted by nerves which are lacking in plants and secondly they cannot be continuously produced. To overcome these problems plant generates chemical compounds or hormones which are released and spread immediately to other cells which can recognize these chemical signals using specialized molecules on their surfaces. Auxin is an important hormone produced by plants that help in shoot development and thus helps in increasing the length of plants.

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