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Introduction of Core Java
Java is a platform-independent object-oriented programming language. It was developed by the sun microsystem of the USA in 1991. In 1996 first version of Java was released. The advanced graphics toolkit was released in 1998. It is named as java2.
Core Java Assignment Help
Java is a pure object-oriented language. Everything in Java is an object. All programs and data reside inside objects and classes. Object models in Java are simple and easy to extend. The Java complies Java Source Coding into a format known as "Byte-Code". The Bytecode source code files are then executed by the interpreter.
The areas in which Tutorspoint offers Java Assignment Help, Core Java Project Help:
- Execution of Java Program
- Static Loading
- Dynamic Loading
- Platform Independence
- Encapsulation
- Simple JAVA Program
- Operators
- New Operator
- Class
- Object
- The instance of a class
- Data Types
- Typecasting
- Passing arguments to a Function
- Defining Functions
- Static Keyword
- Difference between Context of a class and Instance of a class
- Class variables
- Local variables
- Accessing Static variables
- Throws keyword and constructors
- Try-catch block
- Finally keyword
- User-defined exceptions
- Multithreading
- Multitasking
- Scheduling
- Process-based multitasking
- Polymorphism
- Collection interface
- List interface
- Set interface
- Array list class
- Super keyword
- String class
- API surfing
- String buffer class
- Wrapper classes
- Function overloading
- Calling Super Class Constructor
- Final keyword
- Finally keyword
- Finalize method
- Superclass reference and subclass
- object rule
- Typecasting
- Late binding and Early binding
- Interface
- Extends keyword
- Implements keyword
- Difference between extends and implements keyword
- Thread-based multitasking
- Implementing Threads in java
- Behavior of Thread
- Defining Multiple Threads
- Suspending A Thread Based On Time
- Suspending A Thread Unconditionally
- Implementing The Sleep
- Abstract class
- Features of Java Virtual Machine
- Throws keyword
- The LinkedList class
- The HashSet class
- The Tree set class
- Map Interface
- Access Specifiers
- The relation between access specifier
- and packages
- Access specifier and constructor
- Class methods
- Instance methods
- Factory methods
- Inner class
- Member inner class
- Static inner class
- Local inner class
- Anonymous inner class
- Static and non-static blocks
- Exception handling
- Syntax errors
- Logical errors
- Handling exceptions
- Uses of exception handling
- Simple logical errors
- Serious logical errors
- Compiler Responsibility
- Implementing The Join
- Thread Priorities
- Deadlock
- Daemon Threads
- Input/Output Streams
- Files
- Random Access Files
- Serialization
- Difference between Constructor & Function
- Iterator interface & ListIterator interface
- Map classes