Health and Diseases Homework Help

Essay writing, thesis, dissertation writing, and Health and Diseases Homework Help from biology assignment experts to graduate students in the USA & Australia.

Define Health and Diseases

Health is defined as a state of well-being. It is a state where an organism functions properly physically, mentally, and socially. The disease is defined as a pathological condition that makes an organism uncomfortable. Acute diseases last for a short period of time whereas chronic diseases last for a very long duration of time. To get essay writing Health and Diseases Homework Help contact Tutorspoint.

Health Conditions & Diseases

Health is a state of well-being. It is a position of being comfortable where an organism can function properly physically, socially, and mentally. The health of an individual is affected both personally and through surroundings. For being in a state of good health social cleanliness is very important. Good economic backup also leads to a good state of health for an individual.


A disease is defined as a pathological condition that makes an individual uncomfortable. Being healthy and disease free are entirely different things. An individual can be in poor health without being diseased in the same way as being disease free does not mean being healthy.

Health is generally associated with society and surroundings and disease is generally associated with individual conditions or personal sufferings.

Disease and its type

A disease can be identified as any change in the appearance or functioning of a particular system of our body. As a result of these changes, symptoms are generated. These symptoms are generally signs which indicate that something is not correct in our body.  Symptoms include nausea, headache, vomiting, etc.

A physician generally looks up to these symptoms in an attempt to diagnose a particular disease or pathological condition that is causing the state of discomfort. These symptoms along with laboratory tests help in predicting the right disease and its cause.

Type of diseases

Classification of diseases depends on many factors but one important factor is the duration of the disease. Based on the duration diseases are classified as either acute or chronic.

Acute diseases

Diseases that occur for a short duration of time fall under the category of acute disease e.g. common cold. These diseases generally do not have that much tenure to cause major harm to our bodies.

Chronic disease

Diseases that last for a longer duration fall under the category of chronic diseases e.g. tuberculosis.  These diseases generally have long-term effects on our health and it readily affects our body for a longer time as the duration is much more in the case of chronic diseases.

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