PhylaAnnelida and Anthropoda Homework Help

Online Tutorspoint biology homework experts provide phyla Annelida and Anthropods Homework Help, Assignment help, and essay writing help to students.

What is Phylum Annelida?

1. Bilateral symmetry, triploblastic animals with organ level organization, coelomate animals

2. The body of the organisms are metamerically segmented into distinctly marked rings, hence the name of the phylum Annelida (Latin: Annulus – ring)

3. Presence of longitudinal and circular muscles for locomotion activity

4. Presence of lateral appendages called parapodia which help in swimming activity. Seen in aquatic animals like Nereis

5. Presence of a closed circulatory system

6. Specialized cells called Nephridia (singular–nephridium) carry out functions like osmoregulation and excretion

7. Nervous system comprises paired ganglia connected by lateral nerves to a double ventral cord.

8. Sexes are either monoecious in the case of animals like earthworms and leeches or dioecious in the case of aquatic animals like Nereis.

9. Organisms belonging to the phylum Annelida – Pheretima (Earthworm), Nereis, Hirudinaria (Bloodsucking leech)

A. Nereis        B. Hirudinaria


What is Phylum Arthropoda?

1. The largest phylum of the Animal kingdom comprises insects.

2. Mostly terrestrial, bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic with organ level organization, segmented and coelomate animals.

3. The body of anthropods is covered by a chitinous exoskeleton consisting of a head, thorax, and abdomen region connected by jointed appendages, hence the name anthropods (Anthros – joint, pods – appendages)

4. Presence of an open circulatory system. The respiratory system may be gills, book gills, book lungs, or the tracheal system

5. Presence of sensory organs like antennae, compound or simple eyes, statocysts, or balance organs

6. Malphigian tubules are present for carrying out excretory wastes

7. Organisms are dioecious. Fertilization is internal and development may be direct or indirect.

8. Mostly oviparous animals

9. Organisms belonging to phylum Arthropoda – Apis (Honeybees), Laccifer (Lac insect), vectors like Anopheles(Mosquitoes), pests like Locusta (Locust), and living fossils like Limulus (King crab)

A. Locust         B. Butterfly

C. Scorpion     D. Prawn

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